Jumat, 24 Desember 2010

mengukur kecepatan ngetik

lihat beberapa cepat anda mengetik dgn cara menuju

apakah bisa mengalahkan saya??

jika kecepatan mengetik saya adalah85 Words

Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

First person shooter (FPS) game

First-person shooter (FPS) is a video game genre which centers the gameplay around gun and projectile weapon-based combat through the first person perspective; i.e., the player experiences the action through the eyes of a protagonist. Generally speaking, the first-person shooter shares common traits with other shooter games, which in turn fall under the heading action game. From the genre's inception, advanced 3D or pseudo-3D graphics elements have challenged hardware development, and multiplayer gaming has been integral.

Selasa, 14 Desember 2010


wah udah ama ya ga buka blog, alias lupa klo pny blog. haha. ^^
dasar aneh... .

dan aku baru inget klo punya blog dari cari cheat.. (awas cheater) haha....
dan aku pgn buat blog ttg apalah yg ada. ehh, waktu buka id malah udah ada blog nya..

hahahahahah........ ^^